Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Daily Routine and Schedule

Scenerio #1

Mary's kids have a hard time going to bed at a reasonable time.  They want to watch TV; They want more to eat, drink and more stories.

What advice would you give her?

Scenerio #2

Lisa's kids don't want to clean up when they are finished with an activity.  She ends up yelling and arguing with them and doing the work herself.  How could a daily rountine or schedule help them?

Scenerio #3

Sally's kids never want to get up in the morning.  They always want to stay in bed for as long as they can.  She has to drag them out of the bed every morning to get ready for school.  How could a daily routine or schedule help them get ready for school?

Pick two scenerio and explain how you can help these parents.  When you are finished, read your classmates' response and write at least one comment about it.

Friday, November 18, 2011

When is it my turn?

After watching the short video, what did the teacher do to resolve the conflict between the children?  What do you think about her approach?  Do you think this will work with children that you know?