Friday, November 18, 2011

When is it my turn?

After watching the short video, what did the teacher do to resolve the conflict between the children?  What do you think about her approach?  Do you think this will work with children that you know?


  1. The teacher was patint and ask fored for anther opnin; such as when she ask the litel girl to chose who comes first.
    Her approach was very cliver.
    Yes it will worke with the children i know.

    Amal Awad

  2. She fist listen the kids then she asked them what shuld we do to decide who go fist. Them they try difrents ways to decide. I think she did the right ting. yes I do think so Ana

  3. After watching the short video, the teacher let the children resolve the problem by themselves. She first let the children adress the problem, by arguing. Then the teacher took the guitar away and they were talking/arguing about who should get the gutair first, second, and third in a fair way. They finally compromised to get a spinner and spin it to see who it lands on, so it would be fair.

    I think her approach was smart. Instead of taking the guitar away, making all the children unhappy she chose to resolve the problem in a very understanding way. In the end it was a win-win situation, as it worked out, all of the children got to play the guitar and the teacher was spared a massive headache.

    I do not think this would work for all children. Every child is unique in their own way. Children learn to do things at different stages of their life. I believe this is true for resolving conflicts in a very mature and thoughtful way. For example if my sister and I fought about a guitar like in the video, I would probably be stubborn about it. My sister is the one who is the most understanding. The ending of this problem would not end up so pretty. One of us will probably end up storming off. But on a good day it might work if a situation like this happened to me and my sister, if I didn't hold any grudges or had any arguments that day. Otherwise we would get along just fine. This method would work for us. Every child is different in their own way.
    ~ Sydney

  4. 1.- She took enoug time and tried diferentes thinghs,Finally she got good decision and evebody are happy.

    2.-Her approach is value becuse she motivated and resolved this kind the conflicts by engage.

    3.-Of course because all children like feel important and grow up them Self-esteem.

    Elba Gonzalez

  5. the teacher is very paition about this conflict with the children needed play to all for when the start do it the teacher is very smatr she choic resolve when she say come to the giral with hair blonde when she come she sayed the first resolve but the boy he did not a gree with this choiec but she found the another resolve when she taked the spiner all of them show and listen what it did this then the teaecher founded the resolve when what the first child play with getar dont do it any problim martina

  6. After the short video, the teacher solved the conflict by just asking other children for their opinions. I think she thought that if one of the children who was included in the conflict told their opinion, it would be unfair.
    Her approach is very reasonable because she didn't take away the guitar and make the children feel guilty and outraged that they didn't get a turn.
    This will work with my sister and I because we would work out how we should respond. Sometimes, I help my sister feel contented, but, if I approach too soon, she would get infuriated.

    ~ Audrey

  7. Teacher resolve the conflict very pateintly and she listen to the children. She was tried differant ways without making kids upset or made. Her approach is very affective and its work very well. kids was agree because they like the ideas that the children and the teacher gave to each other.

  8. I think the teach have a good actitud because she get down on the child's level .
    She observe first before speaking , this make to the child's need think what is the next step.
    When the teach not influ in the child's decision the chil'd learn about resolving problem.
    I agree at her actitud because relly she is not who make a decision are the child's .
    This say this child's are learnig with the teach a good development .

    Wendy ♥

  9. It seems that the teacher is paying attention to each child's need. She did not interrupt the children from playing, but she's helping the children by asking question to solve the problem. I like her approch but it takes a lot time, patience and perseverance. Besides, she seems very skilled and know what she's doing.
    This mothod will work sometimes with my children, sometimes it will not depending on the situation.


  10. I agree with Sydney. Children do have their own unique way, such as my sister and I. We are both different, yet we are in the same family.

    ~ Audrey

  11. I agree with all coments, becuase the are good coments.

  12. Elizabeth I think this will work to all children because it gives time to think and aportunity to kids difrents ways to resove conflicts. Ana

  13. For everybody who posted a comment, I liked all of your thoughts.

    To Ms.Elba Gonzalez, I liked the answer to your third question. I also believe that many children to feel important.

    To Ms.Ghazala, I do agree her method is very affective. The teacher is very helpful and knows what to do in these times of crisis.

    To Ms. Wendy, It is very important to let children try and solver the problem instead of jumping in to solve all their problems. Then they will never learn.

    To Ms.Elisabeth, I do agree the teacher is very skilled and knows what she is doind. This quality is important when dealing with children. Otherwise the children might learn the wrong way.

    ~Sydney <3

  14. Wow! All this comments are great! You guys put a lot of thought and work in this!

    ~ Audrey

  15. it have many idea about this viedo beacuse all my freinds write many kind of this resolve and many diffrent means about this veido i liked all my freinds wrote . the children they have some attenion to each how do you learn all of them and the children need more helping to use and learn every think

  16. If all conflicts are solved always so peaceful, then we'll all be living in harmony.


  17. I agree with Audrey! I can tell all of you put a lot of effort in posting these messages and conveying your thoughts with all of us. Good job! Keep up the good work!

    ~Sydney <3

  18. I agree with all coments, becuase they are very good coments.

  19. I agree Ms.Elisabeth! The world would be a happy place now, if the whole world would have this mindset!

    ~Sydney <3

  20. I agree with Ms. Wendy. the teacher did have a good adititude.

    ~ Audrey <3

  21. I like the teacher's approach. I feel like she is trying to be an "owl," rather than a turtle or a dictator. Some adults would just take the guitar away. Instead, this teacher realizes that the children are very motivated to resolve the problem because they all really want a turn with the guitar.
    This approach takes a lot of time and patience. I think it also takes a lot of training and practice. As adults, or parents, our first instinct is take control of the siutation. But this teacher is letting the kids share control; she is giving them support to figure out how to solve the problem.
